Thanks again for reading this article, too!
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a powerful source of grace. Many people do not know that it is more powerful than exorcism. Of course, you cannot make a dramatic movie about someone going to confession.
So, to your question, yes, because one of the most powerful aspects of the sacrament is as a sign that God forgives you. Many people have trouble forgiving themselves. So with the sacrament and its powerful sign of God's forgiveness the person can understand that since God forgives those who seek his forgiveness, they have no right to refuse to forgive themselves.
Speaking your sins gives you power of them. Overtime, people become less tied to them because they seek a way out of them. Further, a person can feel really down for falling back into a pattern of sin and then that can trap them to do it even more.
I dealt with a person who fell off the wagon and just felt depressed over it and defeated. I showed him to focus on his years of success and not to feel overcome by his failure.
Further, as I mentioned it is an avenue of grace, which makes it powerful.
So, I would say, yes to your question.